Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chopsticks SOLC2013#5

Over the past three weeks, my school has been hosting various foreign university students to come into the English classes and give presentations about their country.  I've been able to learn a lot about Indonesia Egypt, and China, and now I'm ready to just hop on a plane and visit each of those countries!  During the presentation about China today, the Chinese student showed my peers chopsticks and how to use them.  I tried to use them after class, in hopes that all my meals at Grand China and PF Chang's would come in handy, but apparently the way people are taught how to use chopsticks in suburban Ohio is incorrect. Who would have thought?!  Anyways, I learned the correct way to use them and then I ate a brownie with chopsticks.. although I gave up at the end and just popped the last bite straight into my mouth.  It was fun to learn a little bit more about another culture, while also teaching the student a little bit about both American and Turkish culture.  


  1. I can picture you giving the chopsticks up and popping that last bit! Cute. Chopsticks take practice! I don't think I could eat a brownie with them.

  2. I've never been able to master chopsticks! I'd go hungry in China, I bet. Did the students ask the visitors some good questions? What were they curious about?

  3. A great image - a teacher sitting in an empty classroom eating a brownie with chopsticks and an impressed surprised look on her face. awesome.

  4. Ok...Dad and I will be ready for lessons when you get back home. :)

  5. What a great image you created! I felt I was there with you!
